The Method
Play your life as the best game via
meditation 🧘 + diet 🍽️ + supplements 🌿
Do not identify yourself with your thoughts.

Your physical body is the embodiment of 30~40 trillion cells; collaborating and working together, each is as alive as you are.

Deep down, your existence is anchored in the eternal infinity of now, wherefrom the vertical dimensionality of time is accessible.

Start The Method today.
The problem of the 21st century

In stressful enviroments, people often turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as binge eating, smoking, drinking, and mindless consumption of psychoactive substances like caffeine, etc, as well as counter-productive habits like procrastination, overthinking, and excessive social media usage.

Combining these with the lack of physical activity, poor diet, and inadequate sleep, many individuals are not taking care of their health span, and they do so with little or no compassion for the self.. they are not playing the game of life as the best game.

The Method

Imagine each day as a line. On an optimal workday, 30-45% of this line is dedicated to sleep, another 30-45% to work, and 10-20% to leisure. On an ideal non-working day, 50-70% of the line is devoted to leisure or a blend of leisure and enjoyable work, etc. Achieving a good life involves maintaining a harmonious balance among these three domains: sleep, work, and leisure.

For a good life to be meaningful, we want our work to be meaningful. We want our leisure to be meaningful i.e. spent with loved ones, or on pursuits that deeply resonate with our authentic selves, etc. Achieving this requires self-mastery, self-knowledge, and, most importantly, self-compassion.

The Method is the understanding (in the sense of *under-standan: to stand between, stand in the midst*) and realization (in the sense of *making to become real*) that meditation is the practice of self-compassion in its purest form.

When you meditate, you are taking a pause in both work and leisure. You are not sleeping either. You are engaging in an activity outside of these three domains. You are creating spaces within this repeated line that is your everyday life.

These spaces help to make everything in this line feel more spacious, and in creating these spaciousness, you are cultivating your inner space - that's where you can connect more deeply with your truest self and the present moment - and deep down that's where peace and intuition come from. With peace and intuition, true freedom and self-mastery become possible. You'll be able to see the full picture in everything and achieve whatever you want in life.

To start the Method is to start the commitment that you would meditate every day. The Method is best faciliated with a nutritious diet and good supplements to ensure longevity and vitality of the body.

Start The Method today ✵'s AI nutritionist

You can use's AI nutritionist to generate personalised dietary plans for yourself and your spouse, etc, based on your health goals, dietary preferences, lifestyle and geographical location.

Try it out now ✵

Meditation classes with BCI

Join our mailing list now to stay tuned for our upcoming meditation classes with Brain Computer Interface (BCI). Our first class will take place in December 2024 in Singapore.

Recommneded supplements to facilitate The Method:

1. Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin are keto-carotenoid naturally produced by unicellular algae Haematococcus in response to stress (such as being exposed to excessive sunlight or an increased salinity, or when there are lack of nutrients, etc). During stress, metabolic processes can produce harmful by-products. By producing astaxanthin, the algae can manage these by-products more efficiently and regulate the energy balance within the cells. Astaxanthin also helps to protect the algae from oxidative stress and maintain the stability and fluidity of its cellular membranes.

Astaxanthin has garnered significant attention in recent years for its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. It can neutralize free radicals in the brain and reduce oxidative stress.

Astaxanthin is also a powerful antioxidant and supports mitochondrial function. It helps to reduce cellular damage throughout and enhance overall energy production and, when in combination with exercise, enhance metabolism.

Supplier we trust: Asta80 by AlphaVI Pte Ltd

Retail Price: 250 SGD per bottle (60 capsules)
24-bottles Package* : 4320 SGD + 9% GST
72-bottles Package** : 12,960 SGD + 9% GST
216-bottles Package** : 38,880 SGD + 9% GST

🛒 Place Orders →🌟 Astax Tips

*: 24-b Package comes with 4 free bottles or equivalence of perks.

**: 72-b and 216-b Packages come with more perks + AlphaVI builder club + distributor privilege. (If you are at 24-b (or 72-b), you can upgrade to 72-b (or 216-b) at any time.)

2. Schisandra

Schisandra, also known as five-flavor berry (五味子), is a highly regarded medicinal plant in traditional Chinese medicine and other herbal traditions. Being really tasty aside, schisandra is known for its hepatoprotective properties. It can support liver function, detoxification, and regeneration.

Supplier we trust: Schisandra Berries Enzymes by SunnyChoice Pte Ltd

Retail Price: 89 SGD per bottle (700ml)

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